Friday, April 11, 2008

125 versions of Love


I'm not exactly sure that there is indeed 125 forms of "Love" - I just said it coz it sounds good as a blog title.

I've been wondering for some time now about all the varieties of actual attachment or affection we imbue into the one English word called 'Love'.

I notice advertising that says "You'll love our pies", or, "You'll just love our new range" and, "Lovin' it!".

Then there are the full gamut of human relationships that are encompassed within the word 'Love'. All these loves are quite different in nature and style, expression and ideal, but we still use the word 'Love' in order to convey the shades of attachment and affection we attend to these relationships.

Is it possible to invent new words that mean exactly, the relationship to the person or product without having to use the global word 'Love', which to be honest, kind of loses its impact and punch really!

When you say "I love you" to the one closest to you, the power of the word 'Love' just doesn't have the same well...meaning... it might have once had in the past.

I cannot think of a book in early English literature that uses the word 'Love' so expansively across such a wide variety of places, things and people. The word was reserved specifically for the relationships between people and even then used very sparingly within those relations! Romantic Victorian literature was quite specific about when and where the use of the word 'Love' defined the exact meaning of its intent - the romantic desire and passion of one person for another. At least I think it did given my inability to recall many of the classic books I read in my youth.

It's just lost its pull. The word 'Love' has become a weak word with no real depth or boundary anymore. Saying "I love you" is about as inane as saying "I love that movie!"

So again I ask, is it possible to find words from the languages of the world, or even invent entirely, new words that will replace the use of the word 'Love' for the meaning that is inherent in the context?

Instead of me saying "Oh I LOVED that new book by Elizabeth Gilbert, 'Eat, Pray, Love:'" Instead, perhaps I could say "Oh! I absolutely flubbered that new book by Elizabeth Gilbert..." with the word "flubber" giving the exact meaning of "To have a strong feeling for or attachment for any work of literature, cinematic, fine or theatrical arts"?

Instead of saying "I love my parents", I could maybe say "I shruggle my parents" where the affection for ones mum and dad is sort of roll ones eyes and yet holds very dear etc!

I dunno!

It just feels like its time English, as a language, got a grip and tried to define 'Love' a little more succinctly instead of relegating this once fine word to the banal and stupid.

Feel free to begin your own search for words that might best describe the sentiment meant for the stuff and the people in our lives we hold in varying degrees of high esteem.


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