Thursday, August 10, 2006

The gentle 'art' of being pissed off!

In a BAD mood today!

I did not deliberately choose to be in this mood. In fact this morning, I actually wondered what mood I "should wear" for the day!

I didn't HAVE a mood when I woke this morning. I felt strangely disjointed and outside of myself not "all there".

Pissed Off decided to visit today instead.

Nothing to be pissed off about really. Just FEEL like being irritable, irrational, irksome and gloomy.

I know it will pass. It always does.

On days like today I take the Scarlett O'Hara meme and figure "Tomorrow is another day".

There's an "art" to being pissed off without being in everyones face about it. So... I have this "mood" happening. Not sure why, but something inside my brain is not sparking like it should. So I choose to let it ride itself out and separate myself slightly from it and look at it from the outside in. I "observe" myself objectively being "in a bad mood" and it doesn't feel quite so "bad". It's just a mood that Mitch is in and nothing need be done about it except maybe a good cry and a good nights sleep perhaps.

This is a bit like a mental paper cut really. Ouch! But it gets better quickly.

The cause of it is moot. Brain chemistry is as hard to figure out in bad moods as they are in good - I'm not particularly fussed about "analysing" my behaviour today - it's just a "thing" I need to let happen and the less I fight it, the less likely it is that it'll stick around.

If it DOES stick around for more than today... I will TALK it out with a friend, always the first port of call in remedying an errant non-constructive mood behaviour.

Bad moods are to be treated as you would a child throwing a tantrum in a supermarket! Calmly and firmly - no rewards and no bribes, just pick it up and carry it home and do the shopping later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Bad moods are to be treated as you would a child throwing a tantrum in a supermarket! Calmly and firmly - no rewards and no bribes, just pick it up and carry it home and do the shopping later."

LOL! What a great image! :)