Saturday, April 29, 2006


The following poem was inspired by my viewing of This movie last night.

A surreal experience to say the least and even though it didn't make me cry - (it did make me angry) it still stays with me these many hours later!


Bloody but unbowed by the wound inside
I’ll crawl through mud and thicken my hide
In solitude with mates
In high mountain places
To bring forth the freedom
So my kids can wear braces.

Bloody but unbowed by this wound inside
I’ll strip back the wrappings and bust my pride
In the jungle with mates
In low valley places
To bring forth the freedom
So our kids have bright faces.

Bloody but unbowed by your wound outside
I’ll carry you back through the mud with my pride
In between mates
In New Guinean spaces
To bring you to freedom
So these kids know your graces.

CC M. Pitman 2006

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