Saturday, January 01, 2011

sweeping cobwebs

It's a brand new year.

2011 sees my fifth year in this blog. 2010 bombed a bit for me in the writing game. I had little energy for much else other than work.

There's a few things I'd like to change of course as one usually does as we turn a calendar page to a "clean slate" so to speak.

Thing is I just want to clean up. At least for now. I've tidied house today and it's looking not too bad after the scuz and shambles of the past month or so. Again, I simply lacked the energy and drive to achieve much other than dragging my butt off to work every day. Weekends have been pretty much a casual slog through laundry and internet surfing and not much else.

There was a bright spot on my 2010 horizon for awhile but he has faded, somewhat, into a genteel, soft focus, tender-hearted memory. I shall always be fond of Bear and hope to remain his dear friend through the ensuing years.

2011 ushers in hopes of new horizons both within and without. I may have spent today cleaning up the house - even the cobwebs from the front door - but next and most importantly will be the process of cleaning up internal spaces, both in the physical realm and also in the psychological realm.

I'm tired of lumbering along with heavy thoughts. This will be a year of hard work - mostly on my inner bean. It will be a year of lighting the inner fires of joy and laughter and changing landscapes of the heart and mind (and maybe a few physical landscapes as well here and there :)).

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